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If you’re a fan of Trader Joe’s, I totally get why you’re looking up if there is a Trader Joe’s in the UK or London.
After all, this food store in America is much more than just a food store to people – it’s a mecca, a lifestyle, a place that makes them happy, and if that’s you then I say – awesome!
Keep on with your Trader Joe’s loving self.
And what’s not to love?
With its unusual store locations, organic food selection and all-around good branding, Trader Joe’s is a popular American grocery store that has acquired its own following of fans, much like Publix in Florida (check out if there’s a Publix in the UK as well).

Start your planning with this “Intro to London” guide and access to my London planning Facebook group!
Hey! Want more honest UK tips and planning advice? Click here to join my London and UK Travel Tips Facebook group, where I can answer more of your questions!
So, here we go, the answer to the question of…
“Is there a Trader Joe’s in the UK or England or London?”
is no.
There is no Trader Joe’s in the UK, London, or England, but there are grocery stores and there are some places that may help satisfy some of your Trader Joe’s cravings, but we’ll get into those in a minute.
Before we get too far into talking about Trader Joe’s, I just want to bring your attention to some awesome resources I’ve put together for people who are either traveling to the UK or living here for a period of time.
Firstly, no matter your reason for being here, you need the best book on living in the UK for Americans ever written – the book is called “Girl Gone London: An American’s Guide to Surviving Life in the UK” and you should click here and check it out.

I also may have written it, so I’m biased.
But truly, if you’re coming to the UK as an expat, a study abroad student, or even a visitor, my guide to life in the UK contains both personal anecdotes and maybe too-honest experiences, as well as resources and advice on topics ranging from homesickness in the UK (or how not to rage book a flight to America like I did), driving in the UK, being a student in the UK, and more practical advice about bank accounts, buying houses, and more.
It’s truly a one stop shop for all of the weirdness and wonderfulness (is that a word?) that comes along with life in the UK, and also there is plenty of opportunity to laugh at me as I share all of my expat fails so there’s that.
Also, I’ve got some free resources on things I’ve found important in my expat life here, including how to get over culture shock (and why it’s okay that you feel it), the amazing story of how I learned to drive in the UK and spent a lot of time running into bushes, and more practical information on figuring out UK money and surviving the London Underground.
- Culture Shock: The Things We Don’t Talk About
- An American Girl’s Guide to Surviving the London Underground
- Understanding UK Money: Pence, Not Cents!
- Driving in England as an American: An Apology to UK Drivers
Right, now that you’re all ready for your trip to the UK, let’s move on to Trader Joe’s!
History of Trader Joe’s
Opened in 1967 by Joe Coulombe, Trader Joe’s began its life as a south seas inspired grocery store due to Joe’s trip to the Caribbean.
There, he realized Americans were traveling more often to places around the world and developing tastes for food and drinks that they had a hard time getting back home.

The first Trader Joe’s was in Pasadena, California and it’s still in operation to this day.
In 1979, Trader Joe’s was purchased by the owner of Aldi, Theo Albrecht, and it underwent decades of expansion.
It really boomed in the 2000s, and the number of locations in America grew by 5 times between 1990 and 2001.
Today, Trader Joe’s has over 450 stores across the US and in 43 States.
The concept behind Trader Joe’s isn’t just that it’s a grocery store, but that it is a grocery story carrying lots of organic products, many of its own branded products, and environmentally friendly products.
It’s the “hipster” place to shop, but also it’s just a great option for people who want something a little different.
Some products are exclusive to certain regions, and Trader Joe’s is very open to feedback about its products so it can discontinue less popular ones to introduce more.
The other selling point is that prices are reasonable and not crazy expensive like one might expect of an organic food shop.
Unfortunately for UK residents and those traveling to the UK, there’s no Trader Joe’s in the UK and the company hasn’t shown signs of reaching across the pond.
For now, you’ll have to settle with writing to Trader Joe’s and asking them to come to the UK, otherwise you can check out some of the alternatives to Trader Joe’s below.
Equivalent to Trader Joe’s in the UK
The sad part for Trader Joe’s fans is that there is no real equivalent to Trader Joe’s in the UK.
Nothing that’s like, almost exactly the same, like how there’s a TJMaxx in the UK with just one letter changed.
Of course there are grocery stores, but they are more comparable to other American brands like Publix, Safeway and Kroger.
Instead, I’ve put together a couple of stores that share some similar characteristics to Trader Joe’s in the UK, even if they aren’t all the way comparable.
Whole Food’s
If you’re interested in unique foods and organic options, you should know that there is a Whole Foods in the UK and London and you can find many American style options there as well as environmentally friendly products.
The difference, though, is that Whole Foods is much more expensive than Trader Joe’s, so you’ll need to make sure your wallet’s a bit fuller!

For a store that has many of its own brand names and has a bit of a cult-following, try Lidl.
This grocery store thrives off of its cheap prices and own-brand products, similar to how Trader Joe’s tries to keep its food reasonably priced for customers.
Lidl isn’t particularly known for its organic options or anything specialty like Trader Joe’s is, but you will get Lidl branded products for cheaper than other grocery stores and that’s something to celebrate at least.
Read more in my full guide comparing UK and US stores and restaurants.

Coming to London Soon?
Since you’re here I’m assuming you’re intent on visiting this amazing city soon!
A great way to really immerse yourself in UK culture is see the sights with the help of a guided tour. I’ve picked out a few highly recommended ones below!
Tower of London Tour with Crown Jewels: One of the best things about having a Royal family is imagining you’ll be a part of it one day… and what better way than to imagine yourself in their jewels!
Or at least stare dumbfoundedly. Either way, this tour is a sure fire way to get dazzled by London.
Westminster to Greenwich River Thames Cruise: London is built around the River Thames, and one could even say it’s the most important part of the whole city! As such there’s no better, or relaxing for that matter, way to see the sights than from the view of the river itself!
This tour takes you around the city and shows why all Londoners are really still rugged sea voyagers at heart, if maybe just a little more posh now.
Oxford, Stratford, and Cotswolds: Londoners would have you fooled, but there’s more to this beautiful nation than just what remains within the confines of London… shocker I know!
And if picturesque beauty is what you’re looking for I really recommend checking out the quaint and historical towns that scatter the outskirts. If nothing else, this tour will give you a break from commuting by the tube, and we all need that eventually!
Want to know more about US stores in the UK? Check this list out!
- Is there a Costco in London or the UK?
- Is there a Target in London or the UK?
- Is there a Shoe Carnival in London or the UK?
- Is there a Duane Reade in London or the UK?
- Is there a Books-a-Million in London or the UK?
- Is there a Giant in London or the UK?
- Is there a Justice store in London or in the UK?
- Is there a PacSun in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Barnes and Noble in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Pottery Barn in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Chase Bank in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Banana Republic in London or in the UK?
- Is there an Arby’s in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Children’s Place in London or in the UK?
- Is there a 7 Eleven in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Hot Topic in London or in the UK?
- Is there an Applebee’s in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Disney World in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Bath and Body Works in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Bank of America in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Panda Express in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Boston Market in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Sam’s Club in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Wawa in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Safeway in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Sears in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Wegman’s in London or in the UK?
- Is there a TJMaxx in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Kroger in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Little Ceasars in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Dick’s Sporting Good in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Panera Bread in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Cheesecake Factory in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Johnny Rocket’s in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Wells Fargo in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Chuck E Cheese in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Sonic in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Waffle House in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Red Lobster in London or in the UK?
- Is there an IHOP in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Chili’s in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Goodwill in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Popeyes in London or in the UK?
- Is there an Old Navy in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Dillards in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Walgreens in London or in the UK?
- Is there a CVS in London or in the UK?
- Is there an Ulta in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Best Buy in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Kmart in London or in the UK?
- Is there a JCPenney in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Publix in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Marshalls in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Nordstrom in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Lowes in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Bed Bath and Beyond in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Taco Bell in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Dairy Queen in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Steak n Shake in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Hobby Lobby in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Sephora in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Macys in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Ross in London or in the UK?
- Is there an American Eagle in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Petsmart in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Michaels in London or in the UK?
- Is there an Olive Garden in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Chick Fil A in London or in the UK?
- Is there an Outback Steakhouse in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Chipotle in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Kohls in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Starbucks in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Home Depot in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Wendy’s in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Walmart in London or in the UK?
- Is there a Dollar Store in London or in the UK?
- Is there an In-N-Out Burger in London or in the UK?
Please bring a traders Joe’s to London. Love your Oregon stores.
Born and bred Brit here, just over a year back in the UK after 6.5 hard, wild, wonderful years living in Reno Nevada. I became utterly obsessed with Trader Joe’s and I miss it so much. Especially at this time of year when it will be full of pumpkin everything! I wish so much that it would come to the UK.