Hey! I’m Kalyn, the brains, hands, feet and all the internal organs behind Girl Gone London.
I’m a dual US and UK citizen that’s lived just outside of London for over 10 years after growing up my whole life in Orlando, Florida.
I moved to London, United Kingdom in 2012 on a study abroad program through the University of Pittsburgh, and ending up loving the UK so much that I found every way (and visa) I could to come back. While an undergrad, I also did the API London and AIFS London programs, studying at UCL and Richmond, The American International University.
Since then, I have also done BUNAC‘s London Internship program and was direct enrolled at the University of Westminster for my postgraduate degree in Public Relations, before moving into adult life and working in and around the city.

Now, I split my time between the two countries, and I’m also married to a Brit and always figuring out how to communicate when you say the same words but don’t mean the same thing (pants, anyone?)
I’ve also written a book, Girl Gone London, all about moving to the UK as an American, and I regularly post my first-hand advice on travel to the UK on this website and answer questions within my UK travel tips Facebook group to make sure that your planning process goes as smoothly as possible (because honestly, there’s nothing worse than seeing people who take a once-in-a-lifetime trip and spend it all zig zagging around the city in the least efficient ways because they don’t know better!)
If you’ve found the information on Girl Gone London particularly useful, feel free to buy me a coffee here to say thanks. 🙂

How do I get in touch with you?
To get in touch, just email me at kalyn@girlgonelondon.com.
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Glad you enjoyed 🙂 Thanks for reading!
Thanks for following my blog. I see you’ve already met my husband, Matt. We plan to move to Germany in a few years, so I look forward to learning from your experience living in Europe.
Of course! I’m glad he shared, as I’m enjoying reading about your own experiences and outlook on life! My mom’s family is from Colorado Springs, and I hope you continue to enjoy it. Thanks for reading. 🙂
Its great to know about you and read your blogs. As you said you are the wealth of useless knowledge on expat American life so what I’m going to ask is bit lame. I can’t believe I’m doing this. I know Americans only through newspaper or FRIENDS. As great lover of this T.V serial I just want to know if Americans are really such jolly and open. And one more why do you people make fun of UK english accent. This too is based on Friends. Whats the difference?
Best wishes.
Thanks so much for reading! Really glad you’re enjoying. 🙂
While of course you always have to add the disclaimer that this is a huge generalization of Americans, I would definitely say that Americans are open, and while obviously sitcom characters are over the top happy, Americans are often considered quite loud and extroverted by other cultures, so that’s probably true. I don’t know if it’s necessarily that Americans are more ‘jolly,’ but rather than Americans are expressive and not afraid to be a bit over the top.
On the whole, Americans LOVE the British accent and could listen to it forever (again, huge generalization but still). It sounds really smooth to us and the words and sounds seem to flow a lot better than an American accent. But of course everyone may ‘make fun’ of other accents at time that sound different to how you speak, so I’m sure that’s all Friends was getting at.
Hope that helps!
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I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award. You can find details here.
There’s no pressure to accept this nomination but it is my way of thanking you for sharing such an awesome blog.
Evgenia xx
How nice! Thanks so much for nominating me, I’ve got to start thinking about my 7 facts! 🙂
Can’t wait to hear it 🙂
Nice to meet you! I like your blog
I can’t wait to read more of your blog. I visited England in 2010 and have wanted to go back ever since. I am really wanting to live there. Your posts will be like going back home, I am sure!
Thanks so much for reading! You should definitely go back ASAP! 🙂
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found you through Tiny Expats…coool blog! I may share my world in December??
Thanks so much for reading! Would definitely love if you joined up in December. It’s my first one hosting so I’m hoping people will participate so I don’t look lonely! Can’t wait to read it..:)
Girl – I feel so alone being here in the UK as an American Southerner. We just moved here in April 2018 from Florida and I’m a native Texan. I’m dying for Chick-fil-a, Target, Sephora, HEB, Publix, etc. My ONLY saving grace is that my hubby works on a gov’t contract so we have base access. Base access = some US products but the most vital is the APO address so I can wait 2 weeks and get some things but not Chick-fil-a. I’ve told hubby so many times we should buy a franchise and open a Chick-fil-a in Cambridge and retire before 40. He’s in agreement but we need £££. While typing the £ on my US keyboard, you should do a post on how to adapt to the UK/Europe with hot keys for typing currency notations! I had to adapt or die for my job here.
evidently I forgot to fill out the name part! Kristin – in the English countryside outside of a microscopic beautiful village – 20 mins from Cambridge. <3
Aww, so glad I have found this! I am an American who moved to the UK myself and a blogger, so you’re pretty much a kindred spirit! Lovely to meet you!